July 20, 2010

Constipation Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Posted in Constipation tagged , , , , , , at 5:39 pm by jolassto

Research has shown that the bowel in IBS sufferers is more sensitive than standard and this sensitivity sets off a reaction that causes the symptoms. Irritable bowel Syndrome is a functional bowel disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by recurrent abdominal pain and discomfort accompanied by alterations in bowel function, constipation or a combination of both, typically over months or years. Irritable bowel Syndrome is found predominantly in women in a 2 to 1 ratio versus men. The IBS Self Help and Support range is the largest on-line community for people with upset Bowel Syndrome. There is biddable evidence of a beneficial effect of and it is recommended that peppermint is trialed in all upset bowel syndrome patients. Irritable bowel symdrom is a must affecting the large intestine, otherwise known as the colon or bowel. There is no real remedy for upset bowel syndrom, but there are ways to prevent symptoms and to treat symptoms when they do occur. The above advice about Irritable Bowel diet and consumption habits is offered for general educational purposes only.

Useful Links
Bowel Cancer Survival
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Wheat-free Diet
Irritable Bowel Syndrome